Tuesday, February 6, 2007

To all the lonely souls…

The grass is greener on the other side..how correct is this sentence!!! In fact I would say that when the grass on this side is duller the other side grass really seems greener…

But why am I saying all this..i wanted to write something about loneliness…in this world full of gadgets and all kinds of networking avenues are we all still lonely…with so many options available all your friends seem to be just a click away..but why is it that some of us still feel lonely…

I have to be technically correct here..i cannot generalize, I don’t think everyone feels lonely..it is only a few unfortunate souls who really feel lonely…it is like a disease which when you realize that you have acquired, you feel it even more…there are some fortunate souls in this world who have never even heard of this word called “LONELY”..

Anyway it is this feeling that prompted me to write this trivia..loneliness has its own benefits even though it seems as if it is more like a bad feeling..it gives a person to think..think about all the unnecessary things that one need not think about or atleast that is what our epics advise us not to dwell upon..

Now does that too sound like a bad thing..ok let me think about something nice…it is a nice feeling to be lonely sometimes..you feel one with yourself..you suddenly become aware of a new person, a new friend “YOU”..and this friend, my friend, if you befriend will never betray you…you will never ever feel lonely again..coz this friend always has all the time in the world for you..this friend will never get bored with your ruminations however trivial they are..so my friend let us befriend our true self.. for that matter what do we really know about our other friends..we see people, we meet them we talk to them but do we really know them..it even makes me wonder, our feeling that we like someone is by itself an illusion..like the way I said the grass is greener on the other side..probably we are just idealizing the other person..but we cannot idealize ourselves for sure..so lets befriend our souls first…


Mohan said...

its really really good ...you have in fact got the crux of what loneliness can really mean to a person....you have transformed it from an unfortunate disease into a fortunate opportunity to know oneself....keep it going....

Unknown said...

Well said... Many would agree that it is a boon and a bane as well to be lonely! For some, it (loneliness) may neither be a disease nor a way to befriend oneself; probably it could give a breathing space to LIVE rather than galloping in a fast-paced world! Nice food for thought indeed! And a good beginning for your blogs!

Unknown said...

Well said! It is really hard for one to look at oneself--keenly and intently--as they are. Thoughts, prejudices, and memories block this observation. On top of that, we don't want to know ourselves! For we are afraid to find out who we are truly; we are afraid that we might discover ourselves to be petty and/or mediocre. Therefore, we escape. We escape through books; through TV; through a friend circle; through movies, music, radio, and so many other things. Strange as it sounds, that is, us avoiding ourselves, it is quite true nevetheless.

But, think about it: if we discover who we are by ourselves, without prejudice, without someone telling us, then, don't you see it doesn't really matter if we are with ten people or with no people. We are always alone! We are alone even when we are in the thick of things. Loneliness is neither a boon nor a curse: it is who we are!

TheExperimentalMom said...

What I like the most about your blog is the topic/subject you choose to write about.

Loneliness is quite different from Being alone. Some people may actually enjoy being alone and may not be lonely. While many are lonely when surrounded by people.

Someone rightly said:'Falling in love with one's one self is the beginning of a life long romance'. How Apt!