Thursday, April 5, 2007

A story

Once upon a time, long long ago, God when looked down on earth saw that humans were sadly unhappy. He decided to give a solution to this problem. He made a beautiful pitcher and filled it with water. This water was not any ordinary water but with divine value. It had healing power to save the unhappy souls. It had the medicinal power unchallenged by any other medication in the world and with a taste and feel so soothing that it relaxed even the most tired soul.

God placed this pitcher on earth and felt happy that He has finally solved the problem of the mankind. The pitcher stayed there on earth. Many humans passed by it looked at it with curiosity. Some got astonished with its beauty some even thought of drinking the water in it. Some were really thirsty but just stood there, curious. Nobody wanted to take a risk and drink the water which was so divine. It was so mysteriously beautiful that humans were scared to even touch it.

So the pitcher stayed there for days, months untouched. As days passed by, all kind of vegetation grew all over the pitcher. Leaves from the trees fell inside the water. Mosquitoes infested in the stagnant water. Slowly, the water started to stink much to the dismay of the people who passed by. Dangerous creatures started to breed and the once beautiful pitcher turned into an ugly dump. Suddenly people became aware of the presence of the pitcher and they all decided to throw it out. So very soon, the pitcher once filled with pious water was thrown away in the community waste dump.

Moral of the story: Figure that out by yourself. :)

Even the most beautiful feeling LOVE can turn into poison if it is not given a proper vent and is forcefully stored inside.


Mohan said...

wonderful piece of story...

TheExperimentalMom said...

True. For that matter any FEELING(anger, pleasure etc) and TALENT too can become a posion w/o a proper outlet.

TheExperimentalMom said...
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